Taylor Lautner won the case against a trailer company


First, the amount required by the actor's lawyers in the lawsuit was not at all 300 thousand $, but $ 40 thousand. Secondly, the 18-year-old actor did not rush at all that his farewell trailer was not brought on time to the set and no psychological stress or mental suffering happened to him - there were no such wording in a lawsuit. And thirdly, the trailer, the actor ordered the most ordinary and used, which average Americans use, for example, for trips to nature. It was a regular lawscreen lawsuit on the company McMahon RV about the consumer violation, as they delivered a trailer for the shooting platform with falling more than 1.5 months, and not in satisfactory condition, and even stated that broken locks on the doors And their windows on all supported trailers, so if he ordered more expensive, the quality would be better and would bring faster. In general, the full violation of the consumer rights.

Moreover, the editors of Gossip Cop found out that the owner of this company is 47-year-old businessman Mr. McMakhon, who is partly and "embellished" all this story to journalists of the Boulevard Press, so that the actor does not apply for him to court, frightens the prosecution of the press and public opinion lawyers Taylor They called all these insinuations of the company's owner by children. And most importantly, on this Friday, on September 3, they won the case of violation of the rights of consumer who were on the face. The money taken by Money Taylor Lautner as was going, listed to the charitable non-profit organization Lollipop Theater Network, which the 18-year-old actor helps. Lollipop Theater Network is engaged in the delivery of films to hospital theaters for children with chronic diseases, or diseases that threaten their lives, work with a network of hospitals throughout the country, ranging from Los Angeles to localities in Orange County.

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