Kristen Stewart disappointed Argentine fans


Here are a few quotes from different magazines and newspapers:

"Kristen flew in Argentina evil. She is annoyed by the presence of any camera near her. She has a phobia about its own fans.

She did everything possible to avoid meeting with fans at the airport. Accompanied by six guards, she succeeded.

Kristen Stewart left a very bad impression of himself from the press and at the Argentine fans. She is very dismissively referring to their fans ... they have only vague and unpleasant memories of her.

Kristen won the title of Miss hostility in Argentina. She left a terrible impression thanks to his uncompatory.

Flashing cameras and fans are allowed only when she advertises a film with its participation. Outside the red tracks, nothing can it. This is the philosophy of Kristen Stewart. Six guards and security service defended the actress from the phantoms and the press, which were waiting for a long time to greet her. Despite the desperate cries of fans, Kristen left the country, without even looking at them, quickly as she could. "

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