Alter Ego Lady Gaga in Vogue magazine. Japan. September 2010.


The filming of the photo shoot was held in London, the singer itself was involved in creating an image, her stylist Nicola formichetti and the world famous photographer Nick Knight (Nick Knight).

In an interview with Lady Gaga "Joe Calderon" talks about his female half in the third face, the voice is rough with hoarse and a Sicilian accent.

Where are you from?

-Palermo, Sicily.

What do you do. -I mechanic, I work at the Father, he has his own auto business. I first take pictures.

Have you always wanted to do this?

- I have helped your father since childhood. And about photos, I decided that it would be fun.

What are your plans?

- I want to have your own car shop. I like to mess with cars. If you will pay well for photos, in this way I can continue to open my job.

What are your relationship with Lady Gaga? "I met her and with nickname here during a photo session." She f * cking is beautiful, funny, internet. I have a little nervous before the filming, but she told me: "Do not be a kid, you were born for this. After all these outbreaks, we went to ventilate. Everything else is personal."

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