10 sexiest vampires in popular cinema


Alexander Skarsgard

The actor plays a vampire Eric Norman in the series "Real Blood". At the moment, among the adult audience of fans of mysticism, this series enjoys the greatest popularity. "Real Blood" is an ideal mix. On the one hand, the dramatic series with problems in families, lack of understanding of fathers and children, competition at work, opportunities to face conventional street hooligans or even intrigues, conspiracies and murder, and on the other hand, this is even today's American reality, but it is absolutely unreal Since people in the series live side by side with vampires, the latter legally feed with synthetic blood, but the attack on man is punishable. The influential Vampire Eric Norman, emitting charm and the fucking male charm in the performance of Skarsgard - not only one of the main sex symbols of the series, but also undoubtedly one of the sexiest vampires.

Stephen Moyer.

The second walking sex from the series "Real Blood". Moyer plays a vampire of Colton Bill. Perfect friend, perfect man, perfect positive character. In this parallel reality called "Real Blood", the viewer immediately begins to empathize the main hero of Bill, because at the closest consideration in this legal coexistence, not everything is so rosy: among people not everyone welcomes vampires, and even more so unions of people with vampires. Therefore, there are those who extermines the possibilities of vampires or substitutes them, killing people. And among yesterday's predators, there are also dissenters with life side by side with yesterday's meal, they attack people and not bend to kill even their (vampire), if he tries to prevent "to eat". The series for three years has become one of the most popular TV series and collected many awards, including the prestigious "Golden Globe".

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Robert Pattison

His character Edward Callen, well, just a cut, the most white and fluffy stories about vampire stories! Action and in books, and in the films they are tied up with the fact that Edward manages to fall in love with Bella's mortal schoolgirl, and she is in him. Their love peripetics are a solid kindergarten, not even teenage, as sex is foreseen only after the wedding. Stefani Meyer in the books of evil will never enthusiasm and even the most negative characters are beautiful as the gods outside and cling to the viewer from the inside. In the modern world with his cruel realities, such a infantile interpretation of the mystical world of vampires and a weakened couple with a story about the first love fell, not only millions of children and adolescents, but even adults.

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Yen Somerhalder

If the series "Real Blood" for adult lovers of mystical and ordinary life peripetias, and the Twilight Saga S. Maer is for infantile children and adults who believe in eternal love and in Heppie End, then the series "The Vampire Diaries" is a golden middle. There are many murders, cruelty, betrayal and cynicism, people do not believe in the existence of vampires, most of the actors - adolescents, and not adults. In the center of the plot, it is unknown how much time the disturbing confrontation between the blood of the native brothers, which in fact are vampires. One cruel killer Damon Salvatore, who played by Yen Somerhalder. His character is 100% negative, but at the same time 100% hypnotically attractive. Somerhalder was able to create the image of one of the sexiest vampires of all times and peoples, in which it is impossible not to fall in love with all my heart, although you understand that it is necessary to empathize in logic in logic.

Paul Wesley

Wesley plays Brother Damon Stefan Salvatore in the same series "Vampire Diaries". Vampires Stafean and Damon Although native brothers, but other people's friends in spirit, in life positions. They even externally possess the beauty of different by the type. While the brutal brother is worn through the world, he seduces, kills and having fun in his pleasure, Stefan lives indulge in their childbirth in the town of Mystic Falls, feeds on small animals, and in relation to people this vampire is decent and kinder than sometimes the people themselves for each other. It may seem that this character is very similar to the righteous Edward Cullen, but upon closer looks it is clear that it is not. If only because each author or director sees the vampires themselves and their existence in its own way.

Tom Cruise

Tom created a stunning image of a sexy vampire. His foresight in the 1996 film "Interview with the Vampire" - just pull the heart as good. He is a real negative hero, unlike a character Brad Pitt, I do not want to save and rolled. At the same time, the lasthett of Tom Cruise looks like a truly courageous, charming and attractive, though I want to drive it in him quickly.

Brad Pitt

His character Vampire Louis from the same film "Interview with Vampire" was the full opposite of the Kruzovsky foreshort, but no less sexy. These handsome workers made the film "Interview with the Vampire" classic of this genre and fell in love with everyone around. Let's thank the director of the casting for these two sex characters in one project and for an episodic character - another vampire performed by another sex symbol of the Spanish Macho Antonio Bandera!

Kiefer Sutherland

Long before this handsome started playing the main character of Jack Bower in "24", the kifer played the Vampire David in the thriller of the 80s "Disposable Guys". Even in his strange outfit, the vampire kifer broke no little maiden hearts in the 80s!

David Boreanaz

The star of the series "Buffy - Vampire Lady" David Boreanaz played in the series of mystical angel, a vampire, who returned the soul. His character was so popular that in parallel the TV series "Buffy" created a separate series "Angel", where his character was given the opportunity to develop and concentrate on his struggle for the redemption of the sins performed earlier.

Alex O'Lahlan.

The actor played a Mika Vampire detective in 2007 "Lunar Light", in 2008 this mini-series won People's Choice Awards as the best new TV drama. Throughout history in the 16th episodes, the main character of the Mick is a vampire, he lives among people, hides that vampires exist, it feeds on donor blood, works by a detective, catches bad guys like people and vampires, and looking for a way to regain his soul to calmly die. O'Lahlan has a great character - noble, intelligent, honest, but not digging by the hypochondrik, and a confident and strong hero. In 2008, the first film was shot "Twilight", the world went down again from the books Mayer, the vampire TV series with the films were thrown from the screens of the river and the producers of "Lunar Light" beautifully and high-qualityly started, decided to finish the same. As a result, the promising series about the adventures of the Mika's handsome became an excellent 16-serial TV film with his army of fans, which can be happy to revise at leisure.

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