Juliet Lewis talks about Jennifer Aniston


That is, about Brad Pitte. To his current girlfriend Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt was married to Jennifer Aniston (in 1998 they met, in 2000 - got married, in 2005 - divorced, by rumors, because of Brad Pitt's connection with Angelina Jolie on the filming "Mr. and Mrs. Smitht" ). Before Jolie and Aniston, Brad Pitt had a relationship with Gwyneth Paltrow (in 1995 they met, in 1996 - announced the engagement, in 1997 they broke up, according to rumors, because of Brad Pitt's bond with Claire Foreli on the set "Meet, Joe Black" ). But before all this, at the dawn of his career Brad Pitt met with Juliet Lewis: from 1990 to 1993. Juliet was 16 years old, Brad Pitt was 25 when they met. Perhaps if Brad was subsequently not woken up with such famous and desired by almost all US women, and Juliet would be fond of only roles in movies and music, and not yet drugs, they would get married at least, it is known that these two were engaged.

Course past days. But the journalists from the beginning of joint shooting Lewis and Aniston are not lynching to ask both of them, and do they remember their ex-strong sense, well, or just remember? Both are laughing that there is nothing more to do. Let us believe. In fact, it all happened so long ago.

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