"So loves dad": Todorenko showed how the son was spread out due to the "separation" with top ball


The other day of Regina Todorenko decided to show his short rest she spent the fans with her son and her husband.

She went along with her family to the Capital Park "Tale" to spend great time, walk and ride various attractions. And for the beginning of Regina, I chose the ferris wheel, which took Michael with me so that he could see Moscow in all its glory from height. But Topalov remained downstairs and watched his beloved wife and son.

Todorrenko was sure that such a young Michael would like this entertainment. Therefore, she decided to record this touching moment of a joint journey, but did not expect the boy to cry and call dad. It turns out that rising upstairs, the baby was frightened and wanted to be Vlad. He desperately throughout the video rank father. "Daddy, dad, daddy," said Michael. "What is, did you miss the daddy? I really need dad, "said the star" Eagle and Dish "behind the child, trying to calm him down.

In the end, Michael pressed to the mother, and she told the camera: "Pope will come now. So loves dad! "

Recall, Regina Todorenko and Vlad Topalov - a famous married couple. Recently, they took part in the project Ilya Averbuch "Ice Age", in which they performed with different partners. True, Vlad was injured and could not continue to participate in the show.

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