Jennifer Aniston and Jason Baitman argue about friendship


The film has not yet entered the screens, and the actors within their promotional tour have already threw upon questions regarding friendship between a man of a woman, their attitude towards lonely parents, etc. Here is a piece of interview regarding another philosophical question: "Is there a friendship between a man and a woman?!"

Jennifer Aniston nodded and replied: "Yes." Jason Baitman twisted his head and replied: "No."

Both actors were overloaded.

Aniston: "In my opinion, a woman is easier to be friends with a man. I have a lot of friends men. Even more than friends. I judge on my own experience."

Bitman: "Friendship between a man and a woman does not exist. Friendic relationship, yes. Well, or if you are blood relatives and in good relationships. I also believe in friendship with sex. But just a friendship - no. A man wants sex with a woman in any way." Either immediately, or gradually notices that it entails his friend. This pseudo-showed women invented women to deprive men of disorderly sexual ties. A man either wants or not. But almost always yes. "

Aniston: "Well, not always there is a desire!"

Bateman: "Well, yes, when a man eats or driving, or sleeps. Although even this can be combined, there would be a reason."

Aniston: "Well, what about the related feelings of proximity? When you meet a person, you understand that you have so much in common, what do you like my soul, like brother and sister?!"

Baitman "" Stupidity. Such friendship holds only on circumstances. Or he is busy in other respects or she. Here you can attribute wives and friends of friends. But as soon as a man and a woman become free of circumstances, they will immediately sleep. At least a man will try to do everything to happen. It's just sex, just passion and often a man is not even waiting for this very freedom, it's just not able to think that it will be hurt and uncomfortable to everyone: both to him, and a friend, and to whom a man has changed with her friend. "

Aniston: "I still insist that friendship between a woman and a man exists."

Bateman: "Yes, who is arguing. Women need all this butafory: Friendship, love, passion - what else is there to be described in novels?! Men either want, or not. Then either comes affection, or not. Sex, attachment, commitment to women, Creditors, parents and future children are from what a man is consisting of. Women consists of solid problems on the type "He is not he, fate is not destiny, it's time."

Aniston, laughing ,: "You're a terrible person!"

Baitman, crying: "Uuuuu !!!".

Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?!

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