Naomi Campbell banned photographing in the Hague


Campbell cannot be removed at the entrance or at the exit from the Tribunal Building. Photographing inside the building itself is also prohibited. According to RIA Novosti, the court did not allow even pencil sketches from the model. Only photographers who serve the meeting room can remove Campbell. Journalists will have the opportunity to observe the process through special monitors installed in the hall.

The Taylor's hearing is scheduled for Thursday, August 5th. However, it can be transferred. The judges will have to consider the petition of the attorney of the accused of deferring the speech of the witness.

Campbell should testify about the diamond, which Taylor allegedly handed over after dinner, organized in 1997 by President South Africa Nelson Mandela. In this case, another guest of that dinner should also be made in court - actress Mia Farrow. It was she who announced the presented Campbell Diamond. The model itself does this fact denies. She previously stated that he did not want to testify in the case of Taylor because of concerns for his life.

The process in the case of the ex-leader of Liberia is held since 2008. The prosecution believes that Taylor has been smuggled with diamonds, and the combined revolutionary front of Sierra Leona supplied the weapon to the reversible money. This organization is responsible for the death of thousands of people during the Civil War in 1991-2001.

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