Interview Taylor Lotter for the Italian magazine Nick


- Harry Marshall, director of the film "Valentine's Day", said that you are a very talented actor and you are just destined to become a star ...

Lautner: True? I do not even know what to say, I am glad to hear it. I hope he is right, because I have always dreamed of it. Twilight Saga has become a great success for me, because thanks to her, people learned that there is such an actor like me. Now all my attention is absorbed by the film "Abduction", the director of which is John Singleton, the next part of the saga, and besides the shooting of another film "Stretch Armstrong" are waiting for me.

- What role do you dream about?

Lautner: about the next. The most important role is the one that you have to work on, that is still ahead.

- What helps you remain?

Lautner: People close to me. It is very important to save what you have. You can lose people who are the road for you for the sake of a ghost world. Therefore, I lead like a double life: old, which does not change, normal life, as in any other. And a new one, thanks to which I can travel and meet with a dotted my name or face.

- It seems that it does not bother you.

Lautner: I did not understand what you should disturb me?

- Tattoos on girls in your honor. You do not mind? What else do you like in girls except tattoo?

Lautner: I can't talk to others what to do and what to do. I like in girls such quality, for example, as sincerity. It should be honest and sincere. Because I want to trust her in everything.

- Have you ever "divided" a woman with a friend?

Lautner: Fortunately, no.

- Let's talk about your fans. What do you think about them?

Lautner: They are awesome! If they were not, I would not sit here and did not give an interview.

- What do you think about the twilight saga from the point of view of the reader and the viewer?

Lautner: I love the Eclipse Book Most, so it is also my favorite movie. I do not know about the "dawn", because we have not read the script, and the script is not a book. I won't talk. My character Jacob is very changing over three films. He is cool, he is my favorite in the saga. In the "eclipse" a lot of action, so this is a favorite book and a film!

- What's the thing that Jacob is cool: what is so wonderful in wolves?

Lautner: The fact that they seek the split personality, and because of this, a certain inner gap is created. It seems to me to play a character, the life of which is like two, very interesting. Werewolves rely on their instincts, and it's close to me, even though in recent years I try to consult with someone before you make any decision.

- And to whom do you contact advice?

Lautner: To people who trust: friends or parents.

- You hold your personal life for seven castles. What's the secret?

Lautner: My dual life. Close to me people who I trust. And I myself. I do not consider myself a movie star, over the houses of which helicopters are twisted with paparazzi and it is impossible to blink, so that later in the press it does not appear. I have an ordinary lifestyle outside carpet tracks and shooting sites. The secret is that Parapazzi also think so and circles over those who are extraordinary and outside the carpet tracks and shooting sites.

- Do you like to risk, being an actor?

Lautner: Of course. The actor can risk without exposing his real life. I admire Jacob for the fact that he is: a man who never retreats and fights for what believes. I know, many prefer Edward, and I can understand it, he is very good, but he is not perfection, as everyone is considered. At least because he ... the dead.

- If you could choose movies to express your personal qualities, what films would you choose?

Lautner: As for romance, I would choose a "diary of memory", but if we talk about something militant, then - "gladiator". I really like films about superheroes, Batman, Spiderman, I generally adore comics. Recently, thanks to Robert Downey ML. I discovered the adaptation of another comic book "Iron Man".

- So your life path is forever connected with the acting profession?

Lautner: Now I am happy that I am an actor. Perhaps I could be an athlete, but the acting profession includes both physical aspects and psychology, so I can try a lot. In addition, I love to write, create and, who knows, maybe someday I will spend the screenwriter or director of some film. But now too early to argue about it.

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