Interview Robert Pattinson for German InStyle magazine


InStyle. : All your twilight colleagues say that you and Edward became closer after reading the book. In love with a vampire, it is worth refraining from sex to marriage. What do you think about this?

Robert: I think Edward is afraid of sex. No, I seemed to understand his point of view, because the scene in which you are not confident in our relationship is the most exciting. Maybe I am old-fashioned in this regard. There should be no rules for love. Some couples are found in the bar, sleep with each other at the same evening and live happily and happily.

InStyle. : What do you think about the fact that the girls shouted: "marry me" on the premieres of your film?

Robert : It shocks, but it's just a part of my work.

InStyle: You somehow said that you have a deep relationship with your dog ...

Robert: I was only partially serious. Unfortunately, my dog, West Highland Terrier, died in the past December. He was 18 years old. I love dogs, and I would like to make one day an adult, which has already passed the appropriate training. Do I want the dog perfect? This is how to get an apartment. Very impersonal.

InStyle. : But are you used to? You only drive rented cars, live in hotels, eat in restaurants. What is it homeless?

Robert : It's necessary. In Los Angeles, I live in 5 different hotels, because after 2 days the paparazzi will wait for me in the lobby of the hotel. I do not buy a house because of this. A week later, thousands of people will know where I live is not a house.

InStyle. : How to live in a hotel?

Robert: 24-hour security, not good for me. In London, I was literally preserved at the fatty dishes of Indian cuisine. Now in Los Angeles, I order 5 healthy dishes that are supplied in the morning. I am able to make only a toast and add a barbecue sauce, that's all.

InStyle: Do you sometimes feel lonely in the hotel?

Robert : There is no time there. I am surrounded by people all the time. Every day three hundred people ask me "How are you?" I could easily live for two months, not talking to any person.

InStyle. : Was it preferable not to be famous?

Robert : No, only boring. Former I was not allowed in clubs. Now I can not avoid them. 4 months before the premiere of the first film "Twilight" were for months when I had been in the greatest extent. Suddenly I got into the list of guests of the most cool Los Angeles clubs, the paparazzi then did not know me, but all the guards were let me in, everything is different in London. In London, if you give a bouncer 200 pounds, you will get a skip, regardless of whether you are known or not.

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