Jennifer Aniston will be a great stepmother?


According to the source of the magazine, Chris and Jen together for 2 months. They have been known for a long time, since they have Courtney and David Arqueta in common friends. Chris Harthina is 42 years old, he is divorced, from the last marriage he has two children. The editorial office refers to the source close to Chris Harthina, who reports that Chris is a crazy dad and their children and Jenny attachment raised them. She just falls in love with everyone, adults and children, and his children did not exception. Jennifer Aniston conquered him with his attitude towards his children and, most importantly, he was struck by the relationship of his children to her.

Also ok! He writes, referring to its source that the real mother of Children Chris Gartin, living in New York, is seriously concerned about how events are developing. She arrived several times without a call, and in Los Angeles and rolled out the former hysteria spouse. She is afraid, tells the source that children now do not really miss mom, when they spend time with dad, and more and more often they talk about Aniston, that their attachment to the woman who appeared in the life of their father will turn into something more, akin to mother and real mother , that is, she, no matter how one day it became displaced, unnecessary.

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