The Interview of the Twilight Trio of the German Bild Magazine


BILD: Miss Stewart, Mr. Pattinson, Mr. Lautner. Have you taken off already in three films from twilight saga - your feelings, thoughts?

Taylor lotner : Saga gave me a tremendous experience. Among other things. I am happy to become part of the project.

Robert Pattison : Right now I cannot realize such experience. Everything happened in a short period of time.

Kristen Stewart : And I actually became so close to Bella that I think Toleo that everything would soon end. It feels like she is my sister. I could play her forever.

BILD: What is the scene from "Eclipse" you remember most?

Kristen Stewart : When Tay had to tell Rob "I'm hot," it was so funny that I just could not stop laughing. Even after the fiftieth dub, it was still funny.

Robert Pattison : When he said it, I thought about myself: "Dude, but who is arguing!", And aloud, pronounced the script: "Nei, I."

Taylor lotner : When I had to bear Chris in the mountains in my arms, and at the same time to pronounce four page pages.

BILD: Who is idol for you?

Kristen Stewart : I definitely respect Rock Singer Joan Jett. I recently played it in a biographical picture called "The Runaways" and I was lucky to meet her.

Taylor lotner : My idol is Tom Cruise. He played a lot of diverse roles, and he is very interpreting man. Among women? Jessica Alba! She is my dream girl and I just want to play with her together in some movie.

BILD: What is the most crazy thing you read about yourself?

Taylor lotner : What I died. And several times. Once I read that Australian dancers killed me - for what and why they are?!

Robert Pattison : What I was recognized as one of the most well-dressed men in the world. I looked at myself: old training, dranny shoes with black and white socks - I did not find a couple in the morning - and it's better for me to get everyone?!

BILD: You find yourself in such situations that did not even think about, right?

Robert Pattison: Paparazzi follow me everywhere, wherever I go, even in the strangest places. I need to get used to it. Recently, in London, I was photographed at the time when I bought myself panties, my friend was with me, who also bought himself alone that I felt more comfortable. Then in all newspapers there were photos of me with a friend, how we buy panties ... I was Taaak comfortable!

Taylor lotner: The most strange thing happened to me when some woman in Sydney approached me and asked to sign on her hand. The next day, the newspapers had an article about how twilight mommy (so calling adult female fans, desperately fans from twilight saga, together with their teenagers, approx. Ed. Bild) made a tattoo on his hand with my autograph.

BILD: What are you doing to stay by those who were?

Kristen Stewart: This is not necessary to think all the time. And even more so try to control the situation ever-changing around you. We must let go and live, as living. I have already found it for myself.

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