Catherine Bigilo 1st woman director won an Oscar


The first was the director Sofia Coppola in 2004, whose film "Difficulties" also received among other nominations as the best film, best script and best director. Then in 2004 Sofia Koppol became the 1st woman-screenwriter who received the cherished statuette. But Catherine Bigilo in 2010 became the 1st woman-director who won the "best film" and "best director" nominations.

We must pay tribute, the director's men met a defeat with knightly dignity! It may be because they rehearsed in advance to lose, because among the nominees there was a legendary director of the abyss, terminators, strangers, Titanic, Mr. James Cameron with his thundering for the whole world "Avatar". Yes, "Avatar" did not win. But this film will remain in the history of the movie as the most cash film of all times and peoples (more than $ 2 billion collected in the box office), as a new stage for animation in world cinema, which, by the way, film academics noted, and, yes, as a film that Lost the film of his ex-wife! Catherine Bigilo, the former wife of the legend, herself became a legend itself: she took off her future Oscar-over-the-line "Lord of the Storm" by a budget of $ 15 million (in global boxes paid off, in general, collected about $ 22 million $). Although let's be an objective, "Lord of the Storm" if I will be remembered by the historians of cinema, then, first of all, the fact that his film academics preferred "avatar". If last year, the academics fascinated Indian passions in a millionaire from slums, then this year - a female look at the war in Iraq in the "Lord of the Storm".

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