"Prilochnyy came to his senses in time": Minky in Bikini embarrassed by dances with a watering hose


Actress Theater and Cinema Agata Motsessia published in his Instagram account video with dancing around the watering hose. In the roller on the girl there was a yellow bikini, she slowly comes to the gear and begins to dance around him. Pressurely erotic movements are confused while the actress dresses itself and individual parts of their body and shrieks, and on the background there is a blues composition Freedom to Choose from Jerome Colman, which most likely should have added piquancy.

In the signature, a fighter shares philosophical arguments.

"The source of all creation is pure consciousness ... Clean potentiality, seeking expressions implicitly through an explicit ... Think about it, while watching the vidosik," the actress writes.

Fans did not understand the meaning of the roller. Some considered that the girl is quite serious in this video, and the unnecessary curves they pushed them away. Someone even mentioned the ex-husband Minky, actor Paulil.

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"The enjoyment came to his senses on time and escaped," the fans write.

Others, on the contrary, rated the record. They gave tribute to the sense of humor a girl and gladly noted that Agata had already experienced a heavy divorce and now having fun with his family in Maldives. And the ex-husband, in their opinion, remains to "bite elbows."

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