Sandra Bullock on Show Jay Leno


Sandra told about how one day she decided to search for what they were writing about her on the Internet: "Oh, it's just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. You know what they are angry, the more they hide their personality. I think that when you write something really evil, you need to add your name and phone number so that I can answer. But I could not break away. Over time, I started to believe that their words are true. I'm old! I have bad teeth! I closely accepted all this to heart and only Three days later, I could recover and joke about it. "

The actress often happened to Jay's Show, and he decided to show a video with the evolution of her hairstyles over the past 20 years. Sandra finally said several good words to lead: "I want to say something, but I'll start crying. You have always been kind. It means a lot in our business, because we prefer to be evil. Even if my film was terrible, and you knew it, I have never seen it in your eyes. When I took crazy solutions, you did not put them criticism. You have always been so friendly, and every member of your team gave me to understand that I was special, even when I was very unsure of myself. "

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