What fans of the "real blood" wait from the 5th season?


From an interview with Alan Balla , Creator of the series HBO "True Blood": "Yes, Sookie will try to build his life independently from his ex-lovers-vampires Eric and Bill. We do not claim that love and passion of these characters in the past, but she asked them both at the end 4 seasons leave her alone, and at the beginning of the 5th season, believe me, they will have plenty of problems and worries to pursue her and begging to return in their lives. As for the chemistry between the island of Olux and our Sookie, it is definitely a long time ago ; As for the fans of the love line of Eric and Sookie, do not dilute, not everything is lost, although I can also tell the fans of the Bill and Sookie fans, everything is in the hands of our sink! But in the 5 season she will try to live without men, try finally to pay The time is your own problems, our own desires, to understand your own life, who is she, why her abilities are given, etc. Yes, her best girlfriend Tara is definitely dead. In what appearance we will see this character in the 5 season, disclose We can not, I only say that the fans of this character may not worry, we will continue to tell her story. As I said, Vampire Bill and Erica will have to connect to the opposing tandem against the new force, and for the first time in his life they will have to believe each other and rely on each other. Yes, Russell Edzhington at freedom, he returned with the ally. "

From an interview with Raell Terker , one of the scenarios of the HBO series "Real Blood": "There will be many new characters in the 5th season, there will be many people already familiar to us, but in new horses. A new power will appear: the character already known to us is very beautiful, very influential and mysterious woman. In the season 5, more attention will be paid to the Fayam. We will be able to explore this amazing world of superssengers to explore this amazing world of superssengers, we will get acquainted with new faces, we will meet with already familiar. As for the personal life of Sookie, then at the end of the 4th season, as we remember, she rejected all three His boymen: And the vampire Eric Nortman (performed by Alexander Skarsgard), and Vampire Bill Comton (performed by Stephen Moier), and the revolute of Oxida Gero (performed by Joe Manganohello). In the 5th season, Sookie will stick to the same privacy policy. Enough, see! "

From the interview with Routine Wesley , the performer of the role of Tara Thornton, the best friend of the main character, which in the last series of its own life saved her from death: "When I learned that I would have to" grab a bullet ", I thought it would be great. Actually I am still a couple years ago I prepared my own character to death, so for me it was not a complete surprise. Now I am in a suspended state, I don't know how my heroine is "resurrected", because in the frame, where the Sookie rises in me, I have definitely practically There is no half-harm from the shot! I am very expensive to Tara, it is like a human character who in this mystical place without any superposts managed to survive and remain a strong spirit of a volitional character. I would not want to become a vampire, although I know that many of my fans are in the 330 seasons They expressed their opinion that they were ready to see me in the image of a steep and vengeful vampire, if I still determine. "

From an interview with Stephen Moira , the performer of the role of the Opt King of Vampires Louisiana Bill Comton: "I know that in the 5th season there will be a new ubiquitous power, I know who it will be, it is also known that our favorite characters will be very upset. The season promises to be even more stunning!"

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