Stephen Moyer, Alexander Skarsgard and Joe Mangano for TV Guide Magazine


What is it like to play your heroes now, when the circumstances have changed for them?

Alexander: "I love the vulnerable side of Eric. But playing a new Nortman is not easier than the previous one. Although it turned out of a mighty dog ​​in a small puppy, the puppy was not castrated! Now Eric Northman homemade modest:" Hey, I kind of happy in this small house From Sookie. "Erica must be a little time to grow and repent and repent! And when the spell collapses, Eric will remember his past and who he really will still do not know whether he will be the former Eric Northman."

Joe: "Olux is struggling with the animal entity inside him. I like moments, where it is something inside it, which he is so afraid, are also the moments of greater resistance."

Stephen: "Bill must let the Sookie. And, thanks to this, he will become better as a man and as a king. Eric and Sucky are a turning point of this season. The best material in the show is their material."

So fans will finally see Eric and Sookie together in bedside scenes! Was it awkward for you, Stephen, because Anna Pakuin is your wife?

Stephen: "Perhaps it was really not easy, that's what it means to be professionals. But we all really treat each other. It was difficult for Anna, because she has to demonstrate the feelings for someone else, to those people who were In our team, since we are together when the show just started.

Alexander: "We were embarrassed, it was touched upon the team. They looked at us, and were so calm with each other, and you know, it was so obvious - the camera works, or not. And Anna was great. She is very lucky actress, very professional . In fact, we shot one night scene, and it was one of those scenes, where ... "

Stephen: "Stop, and now, people will take it to outmool!"

And what anna when the cameras are turned off?

Stephen: "She is merciless in its riddenness of everyone, and expects the same in return."

Joe: "Half last season, dressed in the fact that she calls the" giant jumpsuit of a giant Joe. "Anna with Rutina (playing the best friend Sookie Tara) came up with a standard dance and a song that they would perform every time I wear a giant jumpsuit. "

Alex sings "Joe and his giant jumpsuit ..." !!!

Joe, when you came, in the 3 season, did you have a dedication rite?

Joe: "A new guy on the show can feel like an outsider. There may be arrogance, and things like it. But Anna was absolutely friendly and friendly. Although, guys ignored me."

Stephen: "I forced him to kneel to watch my eyes in the eye."

Joe: "But I think the dedication would be and wearing a" sock of fate "(this is what men actors wear during naked scenes).

Alex: "I put it on him. (Laughs) Someone had to show him .... Well, you understand! (Laugh)"

You guys have to nude so often. Who works over it most?

Stephen: "Mad Joe."

Joe: "Yes. I train twice a day, six days a week. I always eat."

Stephen: "I have three days a week workout. I just don't want to watch this show in 20 years, see yourself and say:" Who is the pale spot? "."

Alexander: "I also do three days a week. But in the case of Joe, everything is for the sake of infant muscles. He can make them dance."

Joe: "Alex did not look into my eyes never. I am:" here, Alex, here. "

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