"Opera lost such an artist": Baskov laid out video from "Sowing" with star friends


Yesterday, the singer Nikolay Baskov posted a video recorded on his Instagram, on which the company's famous Russian artists are captured. Representatives of the national stage gathered at home at the widow of Joseph Kobzon. The video captures the moment when Nikolai Baskov sings.

"Nelly Kobzon's musical gatherings," Nikolai signed the publication.

Folloviers praised the artists who came to visit the widow of Joseph Kobzon.

"What are you young, that they gave the Helcome Holiday. Real men. Truth!" - wrote one of the subscribers.

Also, the fans celebrated the talent of Baskov.

"Opera lost such an artist," one of his subscribers made a compliment to the singer.

Recently, Basque became the hero of the Square Chronicle. There is a 44-year-old artist told why not in a hurry to marry the second time. According to him, the creation of a family is now in the second plan now. The singer admitted that while he did not meet the "that very" woman. Nikolay notes that it is important to find a person with whom he would be "on the same wave." At the same time, the artist stressed that over the years it is becoming increasingly harder.

"You know, over the years it is more difficult to fall in love. Really. When certain stages were held, "said Nikolai Baskov on the air of the Sovkoy Chronicle program.

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