"What hands are ugly": Miroslava Karpovich shared that it would have to break his hand again after injury


Miroslava Karpovich in his Instagram shared a new selfie - the frame was made in the restroom of the theater, where the actress is now, according to her, it works at the rehearsals of the next performance. However, the attention of Miroslava fans attracted not a bright image chosen for the performance, but a fairly terrible story, which Karpovich himself shared in the comments.

In response to the replica of one of the users of "what hands ugly" actress said that in fact she had a broken hand - and the accident occurred on tour, and the doctors could not put Miroslava Gypsum for three days. The consequence of this was the fact that the bone collapsed unsuccessfully. "I'm waiting for the window in the work and will have to rebuild to straighten the bones," Karpovich shared.

Users who observed the cobweb of Miroslava with a detractor, naturally noted that, perhaps, it is not necessary to break a newer "for beauty": "It turned out how it happened, the main thing is not hurting, but intention to break it hard." However, Karpovich, unfortunately, can not afford to simply forget about what happened: "This is a request for a doctor, over time, such fractures are becoming very illness," the actress admitted. The consequences of incorrectly contrived bones are noticeable now: according to Karpovich, even with the "light change of pressure", "her fingers live on themselves."

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