"BASIC INSTINT": Miroslav Karpovich dare to repeat the pose of Sharon Stone


Miroslava Karpovich was not used to modestly. The star of the TV series "Daddy's daughter" often publishes on its page in Instagram pictures in candid outfits. However, fans note that all this is very good.

The other day on the actress page in the social network appeared a photo that delighted the stars account subscribers. Miroslav appeared in front of fans in the form of Sharon Stone from the film "Main Instinct". Moreover, 34-year-old Karpovich decided to repeat the legendary trick of his Hollywood colleague.

As a location, the actress chose a field with ripened wheat. Here the girl put a wooden chair and sat down at him priviquely throwing his leg. On Miroslava, a long cloak of light blue color and black boots with a high shin. Hair actresses are collected in a concise bundle, and on the face made bright makeup in the style of Smoky Ice.

"I accept applications for the reception," writes under the picture of Miroslav, accompanying the post Hesteg # Mainstink.

Star account subscribers came to delight from what they saw and trembled Karpovich compliments.

"You are very beautiful," "You are incredible!", "Gorgeous beauty!", "Ideal!", "Madly beautiful Mirchka!" - Comment subscribers.

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