Gal Gadot calls everyone to become feminists


Gal Gadot believes that each person should determine itself as a "feminist" - because, in her opinion, this movement is simply created in order to promote "freedom of choice" for all sexes. According to Gal, if the person does not consider himself feminist, it is automatically a sexist - that is, by those who for some reason against the "freedom of choice" for all regardless of the sexuality.

"The very concept of feminism people often interpret incorrectly. For example, many of my friends are women who have a career, children, a happy family - are afraid to call themselves feminists. Feminism does not require hate men, burn bras or deal with someone. Feminism, first of all, calls for equality, to the freedom of choice, and so, it seems to me that we must all be feminists, and those who are not - sexists. "

The Gal's feminism movement is quite famously binds all the positive in the life of women: "Everything that makes you more confident in yourself, more beautiful, all, thanks to which you like yourself more - connected with feminism."

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