"We live not long": Igor Nikolaev frightened the fans of the video from the hospital chamber


Composer and singer Igor Nikolaev came into contact from the hospital chamber in communurg. He read the lyrical poem of Stanislav Kunyaeva "We live long."

Коммунарка. 31.03.2020. ЖИВЁМ МЫ НЕДОЛГО (Стихи Станислава Куняева) Живём мы недолго. Давайте любить И радовать дружбой Друг друга. Нам незачем наши Сердца холодить. И так уж на улице Вьюга. Давайте друг другу Долги возвращать, Щадить беззащитную Странность. Давайте спокойной Душою прощать Талантливость И бесталанность. Ведь каждый когда-нибудь В небо глядел, Валялся в больничных Палатах... Что делать?.. Земля - Наш последний удел. И НЕТ СРЕДИ НАС ВИНОВАТЫХ. #игорьниколаев #живеммынедолго

Публикация от Игорь Николаев/Igor Nikolaev (@igor_nikolaev_music)

On March 27, it became known that the artist with signs of a terrible disease was taken to the hospital in communation. Family and colleagues for some time with excitement expected an accurate diagnosis. Some fans suspected that their idol could be infected with a virus from the singer Lion Leshchenko, with whom she visited one party. The singer has already diagnosed COVID-19 in the hospital. Doctors did not find coronavirus from the 60-year-old, but left him under observation because of pneumonia.

The composer showed subscribers in Instagram view from the window of his chamber and part of the room inside the room. Only snow-covered lawns are visible in the frame on the territory of the hospital and the sidewalk, through which the wind is driving snow. Judging by the setting inside the chamber, the artist is in a separate room, without neighbors.

At the same time, Nikolayev for the scene in the field was read a poem, which only emphasized the sadness of the landscape. "After all, everyone someday looked into the sky, lying around in hospital wards ... what to do? Earth - our last ship. And there is no guilty among us, "said the composer.

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