"Bruep with photoshop": Nyusha could not recognize fans in social networks


The 30-year-old singer Nyusha again fell under the "shelling" of Haters, who did not land her new publication in the personal Instagram account. On the eve, the artist laid out a snapshot into his microblog, where he picked up in front of the mirror. In the photo it appeared in a bulk pink sweater and with loose hair. Making selfie, she raised his shoulder to chin slightly. Despite the playfulness of the frame, in the signature, the performer raised a rather serious topic, sharing with fans of his arguments about ecology.

"Most of us observe these sad photos of fish and animals, inside which the tons of plastic are found, which they eat in the ocean," the star wrote.

Folloviers divided Nyushi's alarm, but still did not hold against the trolling, considering the photo. Many reiterates that she moved with a graphic editor.

"This is some other girl," the subscribers indignantly.

"It is not similar to himself - bust with photoshop," wrote others.

"And what about the face?" - Interested in fans.

By the way, not so long ago, the singer suspected in the abuse of corrective snapshots by applications when she wanted to boast a exact figure. It is worth noting that some fans have expressed their discontent when the star decided to remove the Mountain from his face.

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