Jennifer Lopez in the InStyle magazine. April 2014.


About love and loneliness : "I hate to be alone. I hate. And I can not beat myself for it. What should I do, so it's understood why I don't like it. Why can't I be alone? And can I ever cope with it? Previously, love always seemed to me eternal, and, of course, these fantasies still live somewhere inside. But now I'm not trying to hold it forcibly. I lived too long in my fabulous fantasies. But now, after all, what I had to go, there is no longer rules. Instead of one way, many have appeared. There are so many different types of happiness, and not just what you learned about five years old.

About her essence : "It's funny when people say:" Jenny from slums are not real "or" You have already achieved everything. " I continue to do my job because it is in my blood. I love the place in which he grown. This is an integral part of me. "

About aging in hollywood : "The turning point stepped a couple of years ago, when the magazines began to print on the covers of women aged about 40 years: Jennifer Aniston, Holly Berr, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, me. It was difficult not to rejoice. This is something talking about our society. People who are accustomed to devote their lives to creativity are over 28 years old. God, when I remember myself at the age, I have no idea who I was. I think I really can hardly take myself under control. "

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