"You don't get a penny": Victoria Bonya told how they pay on "House 2"


TV presenter Victoria Bonya became the guest of the YouTube show "Soloviev Live". The star talked with Vladimir Solovyov about the conspiracy with 5G and pension reform. Teediva stated that it works and pay taxes from 16 years and the topic of accumulations for old age is not alien to it. The star even opened the secret of how much earned on the "House 2" show.

Participants of the scandalous telestroy are trying to stay in the project. It turned out that the reason is not only in romantic interest and fame. Bonya said that each participant's first three months accrue a fee of a thousand dollars. But you can get this money only if you did not fly too fast.

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"The first three months you have a thousand dollars. Just all. If you lasted three months, you immediately issue a salary - all these three thousand dollars. If you were kicked out before, then you don't get a penny, "Victoria explained.

In the future, the fee depends on how much the participant lasted on the project and how he influenced the rating of the show. Bonia herself received six thousand dollars a month in six months - after discussing the fee with producers.

Victoria admitted that she was invited several times back to "House 2". If she agreed, could earn 10-12 thousand dollars every month. But Bonya refused to return to the project.

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