"Copy Pitt and Jolie": 40-year-old Victoria Bonya caused rumors about the novel with Marat Safin


The 40-year-old TV host Victoria Bonya intrigued his fans, sharing with them, where she was captured with tennis player Marat Safin. Photo The star published in the personal Instagram account, which caused rapid discussions. In the pictures of the couple sits on the lake in Italy. At the rest of the star came from Monaco, where they now live.

"How cool to have a man who spontaneously get ready to go to Italy, without informing a minute," commented on the Bonya's frames.

Victoria's fans immediately thought that she had a novel with Marat, and began to congratulate the idol with a good party.

"Cool together,", "the fans stated.

"Copy Pitt and Jolie!" - remembered Folloviers of Hollywood actors.

"Women's happiness! You deserve it, "the others wrote.

By the way, the other day Safin shared in his microblog photography of the landscape in Monaco, he left a mysterious signature under this frame.

"Intellect begins with self-irony," wrote Marat.

"Is it about friendship with Boni?" - Specified his subscribers.

Despite the great interest of fans, the stars prefer to not comment on their joint travel. It is not excluded that very soon they will announce the Union.

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