Stars on Empire Awards


A unconditional victory this year won the National Favorite James Cameron. Cameron's Avatar took the best film, the best director, the best actress and almost took the best actor (Sam Worthington lost to Austrian Christof Waltsu). We remind you, James Cameron's Avatar appreciated only academicians of the film "Golden Globe", and just academics "Bafti" and "Oscar" awarded his secondary awards and chose to allocate his former Bigelou wife with her film "Lord of the Storm". It is worth noting that the Favorite of the British and American Film Academy "Lord of Storms" Film Community Empire did not even bother to include in nominees.

The winners this year were:

The best movie "Avatar" James Cameron

Best Director James Cameron ("Avatar")

Best actress Zone Saldan ("Avatar")

The best actor Christoph Waltz ("Inchlastic bastards")

Best British film "Harry Brown" Daniela Barber

The best fantastic movie "Star Path" Jay Jay Abrams

Best Comedy Film "In the loop" Armando Iancchi

The best thriller film "Sherlock Holmes" Guy Richie

The best movie of horrors "let me" Thomas Alfredson

Icon of the year Sir Jan McKellan

Hero of the year Jude Low

Newbie a year Aaron Johnson

Inspiration of the Year Andy Serkis

For the outstanding contribution of Ray Winston

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