Sandra Bullock - Unhappy Queen of Tabloid


And now it comes the long-awaited time of the triumph: this year Sandra Bouquet was considered to be carried away: first get the long-awaited Golden Globe, and then go around Meryl Streep - and get an Oscar. Sandra Bulok was so happy, she took Golden Malina with humor, asked "and the judges who" and presented everyone on a DVD with the film, for which Raspius was handed to her - right, they didn't watch the movie along the way! And most importantly, the beloved spouse is always near. It seemed that it was impossible to be so happy. So came out.

Glass Happiness Bullock crashed about sensation in touch. She was blind all these years and lived in his own reality, she later learned about the real reality. In Touch was the first edition that threw a stone in Jesse James, accusing him in connection with the side of Michelle McGee Tattoo. Now they were excavated that Michelle McGee was far from the first to whom the biker changed his famous wife. Already several famous ladies contacted the editors in Touch and stated that they had a connection with Jesse James at different periods from 2003 to 2009 (for reference: with Sandra Bullock Jesse James met in 2003, in 2005 they got married).

Of all the former mistresses, one managed to persuade to say about it openly. They all spoke in one voice that they would never have opened her mouth if B Sandra did not know about his last betrayal and did not leave the house, and he still dreamed of asking her public apology and ask for a second chance.

The name of the one that agreed to disclose himself, Melissa Smith, she is a beach model and a stripper. "How did we meet? He saw me on an advertising poster West Coast Choppers Roy. I went to this with me show on Long Beach, CA. But I didn't get acquainted with me, but I found me later on mySpace. How we were together? We slept in For two years since 2006. Then I learned that he, it turns out, the husband of Sandra Bullock. Not surprised, if in parallel with me, he still changed her with someone else. I sympathize with her. She is one of my favorite actresses. "

Also in touch, I interviewed the ex-wife Jesse James Janin Lindemlder. "Yes, he was always a female eater. I first caught him on the other two weeks after our wedding. He said that it was because he was frightened that he would never have other women anymore. After a couple of months I found vulgar SMS messages in his phone, in which it was clearly said that everything was hot and rapidly and that when once again meet. I was pregnant. I thought he reaches so afraid. I needed years to understand that he was simply Cattle. By the way, we were still married when he began to meet with Sandra Bullock. He promised not to select the children if I subscribe to the divorce paper.

When in the summer of 2005 I learned from newspapers that they got married with Bullock, I was puzzled. I thought he had on his face everything was written and Sandra Bullock would never choose him into his satellites of life. Then I had problems with the law, I thought that it was not worth injuring the children and they began to live with him and with Bullock. As a result, it was not possible to solve my disagreements with the law, and I had to sit down half a year in prison. When I went out, first time I did not want to see the eyes of the children. I was ashamed. Then I decided, but Jesse clearly made it clear that I could not see children. I filed to the court for care, but in November last year the court handed the full guarantee of the care of my ex-husband. Naturally, he is married to a respectable Sandra Bullock, who has the paradise conditions for life, and I am the ex-actress porn movies with a prison for a back.

In fact, in court, when Bullock was so inspired about Jesse, I thought it was damaged, but she loves him even more than I once. I was sure that she closes his eyes on his walking to the left, without which he could not live. It turns out that all these years Bullock was just blind. "

Following in Touch, the US publication wrote that Sandra Bull was married (and still remains) for a real insatiable monster. US With a link to the online edition of Radar Online, writes that journalists, fighting back in the distant past Biker, found out that he was brought to court for sexual harassment. With reference to the National Enquirer edition, the US Edition writes that only over the years of marriage he had on the side 11 of the incidents opened. Star edition wrote that Bullock is hidden from the press for no reason because she was smashed in front of everyone, but because she had a miscarriage. That the bull was pregnant from the spouse, so her eyes shone the last month. She was afraid to jiggle, because all these years attempts to have a child were vain.

As a result of the last facts of the facts about the treason of her husband, there was a miscarriage at the nervous soil. Information from the medical sister from the center, where there was a board a couple of days when laying on the preservation. Also star with a link to In Touch and National Enquirer writes that Michel McGee's tattoo model was 10 mistresses, one of whom agreed to declare about it. This is a beach model and a striptease-dancer Melissa Smith. She met Jesse James for 2 years.

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