Robert Pattinson fined $ 100,000 and he no longer commented on the relationship with Kristen Stewart


Robstin hurried to refute the statements of the English media, saying that Pattinson's words were freer and pulled out from context. Alas, but the next batch of Rob then, it turns out, did not get off. Producers Summit kept 100,000 $ from the actor for violation of the non-disclosure point. And this MTW News learned from the British himself.

MTV News: "How do you comment on your relationship with Kristen Stewart?" Pattinson: "There is no more comments about me and Chris. I already had to pay Summit 100,000 $ for my" long tongue ". For violation of the contract of non-disclosure contract. I am now learning to think that I speak in an interview. So write: I do not intend Clear what kind of relationship I associate me with Kristen Stewart. All. "

Interestingly, the producers Summit are watching MTV? If so, they finish it for another hundred thousand dollars. After all, he again violated the item of a non-disclosure contract, and in addition, he confirmed his rumors about the existence of this self-disclosure contract! In general, Robert Pattinson has his "long tongue" is just his Achilles heel. How something will say: at least stand, even fall.

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