Interview with Kristen Stewart after the premiere of the film "Ravnais"


"How do you feel about the fact that you and Mr. Pattinson constantly appear in the press?"

Kristen Stewart: "I'm damn tired of this caring in the press. I just hate every day to see our press with him photos: It's terrible to read that this time" happened. "(Shows the quotes) and I'm just annoying when I am asked again. About our relationship: Do we meet, whether friends we are and so on! Everything. "

- "What do you mean when you speak in an interview that you are very close to Mr. Pattinson?"

Stewart: "The fact that we very closely thanks to the shooting in the saga, but the press is so injected by everything, so chews and chews everything that it is just unbearable. Any relationship can be spoiled at times with gossip and rumors - even just neighboring or friendly. What are everyone? I Already as many times asked not to crush. "

- "So you do not intend to clarify your relationship with Robert Pattinson?"

Stewart (pause): "Not." (Apparently, the lessons of the suppression of anger: Count up to 10, then answer).

- "Do you want to say that with Robert Pattinson you are just friends?"

Kristen Stewart (pause): "Not".

- "Do you want to say that you meet Robert Pattinson?"

Kristen Stewart (pause): "I have already spoke. Just. But I will repeat: I do not intend to clarify what kind of relationship I associate me with Robert Pattinson. All. Do you have any questions regarding the film" Ranweese "?"

- "How did you work with Dakota Fanning?"

Stewart: "Oh, the Dakota is a very talented actress and a very interesting person. I worked with different people of different ages. With some reason I wanted to stay friends, but the difference at the age gave yourself to know and they are more patronizing or decens than buddies. In general , I am more common language with people older than myself. My one year old and those who love me, rather perceive me as an older sister something. Exception_ is Lautner and Fanning. They are not adults for years. Here you ask about Dakota. She is an incredibly deep, amazingly interesting little man. I'm so glad that we eventually become close friends. As in the case with Tayey. They are both very, very expensive. "

- "What do you mean when speak in an interview that you are close to Taylor Lautner?"

Stewart: "He is as a twin brother. Who was born a little earlier. (Smiles) And he just subconsciously inspires confidence and calm. When he is near, I like the stone wall. And he is such a versatile person! He, by the way, was on The premiere of "Ranweaveis", said that he didn't even know who he most liked - me or Dakota! (Laughs)

- "How did you get into the image of Rock singer Joan Jett?"

Stewart: "First, I read the script! (Laugh). Then I read it once again, I called my agent and said that I would like this role - even if I had to donate something. Subsequently, my long hair was. I I emphasize, I myself came to this, no one forced me to make a short haircut and paint in a burning brunette. I also say again to the words of gratitude Joan. She spent so much time for me: we went to the places that were close to her. We disappear With her in the studio: She learned the songs with me, taught me to play on the guitar with his left hand (Joan Lefty). I looked so many concerts. I looked at their personal video tapes that they shot for themselves. This is an old video. And these old reviews and cuts from newspapers. And this music. I just got the time at that time, became that young Joan. This piece of rock old in me still. I just started returning to reality . " .

- "Why was Taylor Lautner with you on Oscar" and why he also came to the premiere "Ravelweiss", everyone was waiting for Robert Pattinson. Why with that afterricty his film "Remember me" did not see you together?"

Stewart: "One question is one answer (smiles). We came to the film academy ceremony with Taylor, because we were invited to participate in the ceremony with Taylor! We announced a video representation" cutting some of the most memorable horror strokes and thrillers. "In my opinion, it is known to you. "

- "So why Mr. Pattinson was not at your premiere" Ranweese "?

Stewart: "He could not. He has shooting in London. In my opinion, it is known to you."

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