Robert Pattinson confirmed relations with Kristen Stewart?


After the closure of the ceremony, Roscin left separately on Afterparty, but all the time there were on the closed party together, without leaving each other. And most importantly, they managed to take a picture together, leaving afterparty deeply over midnight. And now the fun! "It doesn't mean anything!", "Stuart started to repeat each other with Pattinson since they found in London that all English editions came out with headlines that Pattinson confirmed their novel.

The editorial office of the source always checks such rumors, so they talked to the original source - a journalist Sun, which brightened the interview with the English actor and came to the conclusion that the words "we together" were pronounced, and "we have not been pronounced.

And now back to Miss and Mr. Robstin: these two refute the information that Robert officially confirmed their relationship. The old song "We are just friends" does not feel, the focus is only on the fact that "we mean" we mean "we are together here (at the ceremony)." Either Pattinson again blurted out something more superfluous, without thinking that the words would be perceived by two, or Miss and Mr. Robstin got along the header from the producers of saga and are now trying to rehabilitate. After all, the intrigue "Is there a robin?!" "The main thing is Zamanilovo, this intrigue arranged both fans of Rostin and Pattinson's fans and stewart who would not want to see their idols together. Confirmation "What, they pair" can lead to a decline in interest in saga.

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