Rumors about the extramarital child Josh Duhamel turned out to be untold


The dancer said Gossip Cop that all rumors are a lie. "Yesterday I was terrified when I learned that the National Enquirer published an article, where they say that I was pregnant. I said National Enquirer, that it is not true a week ago and this week. Apparently, because of the errors that I did in the past, they feel that I am a winning business and can print all lies, they want to just sell their magazine - I want to stop all this now. Too many people suffer from my past, especially my children. "

"I was pursued by a reporter from my work to my house, I made an ambush and flew at me with questions. I was frightened and embarrassed, and then told him that he would go. I called him and said that I was not pregnant. A few days later, I learned that they still published this story, I once called the journalist and said that I was not pregnant and published this article was irresponsible and destructive for everyone. He told me that he spoke it to his editor and tell him again. "

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