Interview with Leonardo Dicaprio about the film "Cursed Island"


What can you say about your hero Teddy Daniels?

Teddy - Federal Marshal. Together with his companion Chuck, he arrives at a small lonely island, where there is a closed psychiatric hospital, and in fact it is a prison. They must investigate the disappearance of a certain patient. However, along the way, we learn that Teddy was attracted to the island and other motives. He wants to learn the truth about another patient who, as he believes, has inflicted a significant damage to his life.

Is this patient number 67? Yes. It should be noted that the vestway first took up for this genre - the psychological thrillers are usually associated soon with Hichkok. But Martin added its recognizable handwriting to the traditions of the genre - you can imagine what happened?

The strongest film emotion is apparently? Quite right. Although a young audience, when hears such words, usually expects a horror plate, where the viewer every 10 minutes frighten ... "The island of the damned" is not the case: it is more than a thriller in such a familiar understanding - although the viewer really covers the surrounding horror! This film is working immediately into several levels - it is mixed in it several genres and narration methods simultaneously.

Shooting were complex? Same intense, like the film itself? Honestly, all the shooting of Martin Scorsese films go through this way! .. This is because on the site everyone takes what is happening very seriously. But for me as an actor, the most difficult scenes were scenes of hallucinations and memories. There are such situations where Teddy consciousness seems to jump from one reality to another. You do not know exactly what he sees in reality, and what he just sees. Watching the work at the speed of such things terribly interesting: he slows down the film, turns to reverse it, changes the light - in places it looks like work on theatrical production.

How much of what was filmed, put in installation? The final version was like you imagined her? It mounts more efficiently than any other director. It makes very thorough work at the stage of post-production: Sucks with a telma shunmaker and pours literally every frame, step by step. The classic example of this approach is the Aviator. There are such scenes that the viewer does not see, even when will go to the cinema for the tenth time. There is a moment when Howard Khugs descends on the stairs at the premiere of "Hell's Angels." Marty wanted to strengthen the effect of the amount and pressure of the paparazzi around the hero - and inserted two frames, where the skeleton looks at the skeleton inside my body: Remember, there was a similar advertisement in 60s, where the flash seems to be shifted through? ..

This is your fourth film with Martin Scorsese, and every film was a different genre. How is your cooperation? No difficulties, as each film is a separate project. About the first film, "Gangsters New York", I heard a long time ago and knew that Marti was working on this idea. Fortunately, in the end everything turned out, and the film was removed. Then there was a "aviator". We started working with him with Michael Mann, but soon Michael left to shoot the film "Ali", and at the Aviators called Martin. He really liked the genre, and history. Then the film "Apostates" unexpectedly appeared, and I was glad that it was naturally a role in it and for me, although it was originally planned. Thus, all this was not planned initially, the role of accidents in our cooperation was great. The film "The Island of the Cursed" appeared, too, as if from nowhere, in addition, he is a completely special genre, with whom we did not come across earlier.

Scorsese - a guru of cinema. Did he give you a list of films that inspired him to the film "Island of the Cursed"? Not only a list - he, in fact, arranged for us specials of these films! He has their original copies, because he saved from the death of thousands of old moviestin and has already collected a large film. Therefore, he sent us the films chosen to them, and we watched them all day. These were pictures of certain directors or individual episodes of them, with the participation of those actors whose game we had to learn. In a word, we had to go through a whole course of cinema history before proceeding directly to the shooting of the "Island".

What films were selected for viewing? We watched "Laura", "from the past", "dizziness". Films of the detective genre, films about obsessed, about conspiracies. But, mostly, gothic and mysticism is such an accelerated course before reaching the set.

How, in your opinion, the viewer will take a film? It is difficult to predict in advance. Personally, I can't be an impartial judge, because I spent on the shooting of the film for many months. Usually, I am too ill with a soul for the footage, so it is best to have no expectations about how the audience will be reacted. During filming, I make a maximum that depends on me. And I must say, I really liked the film that we did - more than I could imagine initially. In the press, it was described as a very terrible psychological thriller, but in the film, in addition, there is still a lot of things. I am very proud of this work.

Do you have the feeling that your acting abilities have developed while you worked with speeding? Sure. I like that Marty trusts you as an actor, and is considered to be your opinion about the character. I think the trust also needs to be justified. Any actor every night leaves with a "homework" - it is better to understand your character, be it an episodic or main role. You must think what kind of person is your hero, what exactly should you become when you go to the platform. Of course, the director also knows what he wants, but Martin always listens to the opinion of actors like no other - and as a result creates powerful images and characters. It is very interesting to watch his work. It seems to me that he is a real genius in the field of studying human nature.

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