Matt Rivz: "Let me" will be gloomy "Twilight"


Recall that the director removed the remake of the Swedish picture of 2008 "Let Me / Lat Den Ratte Komma in" The neighbor is actually a vampire, and together with Owen, they will make a touching and unusual pair. In an interview with MTV, Matt Rivz News spoke about the upcoming film: "I read the story of John Ivid Lindquist, looked at the original film, and he touched me. Some episodes reminded me of scenes from my childhood. It is so beautiful a teenage story with horror elements. "

The question will be the film about vampires to be like, for example, at the Sagu "Twilight", the director replied that if the Twilight was shot in the fantasy genre, then his film was much gloomy and worse. "I think that I am most struck in this story that she is so unusual, and at the same time, so real," said the creator of the painting. "Letting me" will be released in a wide range of 2010.

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