Jim Kerry on the show Ellen Degensheres


Jim told about his book: "The story of a wave, which is very afraid that her life will be over when she comes to the shore. But looking deeper, she understands that she is not just a wave, but part of the huge ocean. The story that We are more than just individual people - we are a single integer. "

Also, the actor told that his father was an excellent storyteller. Jim in the image of the father told an interesting fairy tale: "It was a dark night at the end of October, when the fog dropped to the old farmhouse. Suddenly Tommy jumped up from his bed. His stomach rummaged, he died of hunger, as if he did not feed it for weeks. He scratched him through Bedroom parents in the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator ... But there was empty. Suddenly he heard the voice: "Nam-Yam. Come on and take it. "He went out into the street and saw him: a huge long hot dog hanging in the air before his face. Tommy could not resist and bites him ... and he sattered in a flying plate, hidden in the fog. Alien love to catch children . Do not go to bed! Good Nights, Children! "

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