Ben Affleck on Shaw Jimmy Fallon


Bena Afflets has two daughters and son. This gave the actor food for reflection: "All my life I thought I was about the same smart as women. But when I started the children, I realized that I was wrong. My son is simply crashed down in the wall! Daughters build towers, they know how Read ... And the son is just ... BAMS! My daughter's friends were in the museum of wax figures in Las Vegas, where there is my copy. She showed me a photo and asked what it was. I explained that this is my wax figure. And the daughter asked why someone would be so interested in me to make my wax copy! "

The actor shared his emotions about the upcoming role of Batman: "When I agreed, people in the studio told me that they were very happy, but forced to warn me that all the actors pass through the condemnation of fans. They showed me early reviews on previous Batman, where people They wished them death! But they played well. But I decided that I was a big boy, I coped with snobs from Emmy. And in the first news, where it was said that I got a role, the first comment was: "nooooooooooo!" I decided to tie with the Internet. "

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