Corey Monteith spoke about his dependencies


It turns out, 10 years ago, the actor had to undergo a rehabilitation course to get rid of narcotic and alcohol dependencies. Corey admitted that he began to drink and smoke herbs at the age of 13, and at 16 he threw school.

Speaking about his preferences, the actor said he tried "everything that is only possible and as soon as possible": "I was lucky that I was alive."

Montteit appealed to the rehabilitation center 19 years after the family caught him in the stealing of money and began to begging him to ask for help. "He stole money, a lot of money from the family budget, says the editor of the magazine Parade Maggie Murphy, retelling Corey's response. "At that moment the family gathered together and, in fact, said:" If you do not take yourself in hand, we will go to the police and write a statement on you. " It became a serious awakening for him. As Corey said, he was so bad as soon as possible, but he found a way out. "

Now the actor lives a completely different life and claims that he practically does not attend parties: "I hurry, but I'm leaving early, before the start of all these riots. In fact, I do not really like all these Hollywood parties. I prefer to watch sports matches, play video games, work out or sleep if you are honest. "

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