Interview with Stephen Moier Webmd magazine


The popular series "Real Blood" returns from the fourth season in June. We have a question on the backup: Do you know your own blood group? "No .. This is disgusting .. I must! Madness. I do not remember .. my doctor knows exactly. But even even Bill Compton [175-year-old Vampire, whom Moyer plays in the series, approx. Ed.], With which I already During these years, in my opinion, too, does not know what his favorite blood type is! "

Does it get bad at the sight of blood? Even artificial blood on the set? "No. But it used to happen. This series I erase all fears. Once, I would rather run the marathon than I looked at an encouraged knee of my child. Perhaps I would even faint from the type of blood. Now after four years in The series, I, Damn, I even enjoy the form of blood. And having it. [Laugh. Approx. Ed.] Especially if in fact it is something sweet and with strawberry taste! It takes time and you just learn to get From all even sticky - only pleasure. "

Fangs are scary, but funny. What are you afraid of real life? "What happens to my children. That my family will suffer. I worry about something that can pick up your favorite people with me. Or they have me."

Somehow they quoted, saying that one day you considered themselves an atheist, but you had an experience that changed your eyes. What happened? Something supernatural? "It was up to the" real blood "- this was not connected with the" real blood. "I was filmed in the TV series in England about the hero with a real inner life. The strange irony was that this character was largely like Sookie, waitress-telepath from "real blood". When this character touches you, he feels the emotions that you feel at the moment. I liked this role, she was beautifully written, but I did not believe in such things. But during the research I met the whole Near people who change my views on life. It made me overestimate things. I just stopped not believe. "

Last November, you married your colleague, Anna Pekuine. Is it difficult to support the family, working together? "We always knew each other in this scenario, when every day we work together and see each other. When we are not together on the set, then we have to get used to. You know:" Hi, what are you doing at work today? "" Yes, I'm here With one vampire, what are you doing? "Or when something happens to her and another character or with me and another character. We are a team, we are husband and wife, and we keep each other in what we do, but Sometimes it looks like this: "Let's find out everything: today you are moving in bed scene with one of my best friends!" And you just need to accept it - I say, like everyone else. But this situation does not arise from everyone, isn't it? ? [Laughs. Approx. Ed.] "

You are also a father, you have two children from the previous marriage. Is it difficult to combine families? "My children are just wonderful. The key point here is that it should not be forcing children to do something. Let them pass through it as they can. When I started working on the project, I was alone for one and a half years. And They met Anna as with my girlfriend. There was no reason to not accept her. My daughter lives here, my son is in London. Every weekend, if possible, we meet. "

You and other vampires are constantly shooting t-shirts. How do bloodshots support such a wonderful form? You have impressive muscles. "In fact, no !!! But it's so pleasant to hear it! I do not think that many in the series are the perfect press. But we have Ryan Quanten [Actor who plays Jason Stackhouse, approx. Ed.] In the series, here It is really the most probably perfect physique on the planet. He eats hamburgers and everything that I would like to eat, if I hadn't followed the figure, and still retains the shape to which we all plow and plow! But I'm Pasha. I go to the hall. I have a personal trainer. I train 3 times a week. I'm still running. "

Did you have to give up this delightful English beer in favor of proper nutrition and a flat belly? "Yes. Unfortunately. It is important not only to burden yourself with physical exertion, it is important and correctly nutrition. I sit here and talk to you, and I myself have a salad with a tuna. When you have to constantly play a character in a good body, about bread and potatoes have to forget. I am an Englishman, I have a sandwiches with bacon every morning. But realizing that I will need to undress, thoughts about sandwiches with bacon you have to discard. "

You played with Paul Betthan in the Mystical Thriller "Shepherd", your character is an ordinary mortal trying to give a repulsive - vampire killers. What is it to avoid so that you are bitten, although you usually bite? "I appreciated your awesome pun! It was one of the projects with a really good scenario and characters. This is a small role, but very funny. I'm not a vampire, but the one who is under the influence of vampires ... but in general it seems that this I can't tie myself with anything that there is no sharp teeth. "

Where and when did you feel yourself the happiest? "Last summer, and Anna and I went to the ranch, and I remember, we went to one of those walks when you climb the mountains, and then find yourself on a delightfully cooked breakfast in a hut, where the cowboys sing around the fire. On the way back we stopped At the top of an incredibly beautiful lake. It's hard to imagine that ever I was happier. "

Stephen, you 41. What is it age in Hollywood?

"I'm glad where I am now. At 30, I was engaged in the fact that I tried to overcome those destruction that I was causing myself in 20. By the time I got to 40, I finally felt that I got rid of all that wearing With you for a long time, at a personal level. Getting to the place where I am now, I was worth a lot, and I am happy to be here. "

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? "I stand on the third floor of my house and see how the waves are rolled in the ocean. I hope I will be in the same position in 10 years, in the same situation and the same happy."

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