Ayla Fisher in Women's Health magazine. December 2012


About his crazy career : "After filming in the film" Uninvited guests ", for 12 months I went on audition three times a day and did not receive any sentences. It was a real failure. But, as it turned out, those films were terrible. And I, you can say, avoided bullets. If I had starred in some of them, now there would be the one who I am. "

On the absence of confidence : "I never had enough arrogance just come to Los Angeles and declare myself. I am not confidence in me. I am always surprised when I get a job. And I have never seen this in your future. "

About how she watches health : "I follow my meal. But, fortunately, I was lucky - during pregnancy I had no problem with the figure. I liked everything that I wanted, and all this experience is to give someone's life. And I never worried about how to throw weight after childbirth, because breastfeeding very quickly burns calories. Breastfeeding is my main secret of weight loss. This is and pulling underwear. Every time someone makes a compliment about my figure, I must in it. "

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