"We went out of curiosity": Rita Dakota remained in the "wild delight" from the visit to the fortuneteller


Rita Dakota, who left with his beloved Fedor, to rest on Bali, admitted that for the first time in his life I visited the fortune teller and remained, as it was not surprising, under a huge impression. The singer did not even expect an unfamiliar person to tell so many personal and intimate.

According to the artist, the fortune teller they advised familiar who were already earlier on Bali. Interestingly, before visiting a woman, they did not believe in any kind of mystical. Beloved drove there rather from curiosity.

"The woman is clearly unusual. Just a person sees our world on a thinner plan. And that's it. Just sees, hears, feels and very tactful, gently says, but everything is in point, "Dakota told admiringly.

So, for example, the fortune teller was able to feel the problems of Fyodor with his back. Recall, Rita repeatedly said that he regularly suffers from pain. The woman gave some kind of address, said that they would help. The couple immediately went there. What was their surprise when they just entered the courtyard of someone's private house, not clinic.

It turned out that the family of the artist and healer lives here, capable of shooting pain. Fedor and Rita tried his massage on himself, and then walked through the cozy man's garden. As far as Hieler's "magic" hands helped them, the pair has not yet told anything.

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