"Tied to the battery": Danya and Ilya Milokhina talked about a cruel mother


The history of the two famous Ticker brothers Dani and Ilya Milocheans are interested in many fans. The fate of the boys was very difficult, but the happy case helped them change their lives and become megapopular stars of short video. Danya Milohin even received a prestigious GQ Prize "Man of the Year 2020".

The childhood of the brothers passed in Orenburg. There they were born and spent the first few years of life. However, they grew not under the supervision of a caring mother, but in an orphanage. When they were four and three years old, his native mother gave them to one of the ornagourg children's homes. The boys almost remember the time when they still lived with her. Only a few memories remained in memory, which Ilya shared with correspondents of the Obsession "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

According to Ilya Milohina, he practically does not remember his native mother. Only the image remained, but the blogger noted that she was beautiful, but did not like them with his brother at all. "She was cruel: I tied us with my brother to the battery, I handed over to the kindergarten and we even spent the night there," said a tictoker. Milohin remembers that on that day, when she refused them, he did not understand what was happening, but only a long crying. He told that so far in his soul he sits offense.

The guy noticed that he did not know what exactly their mother refused his own children. He suggested that she was alcohol. "Saw, probably. So threw, "Ilya Milochin shared the thoughts.

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