"I scored a little": Layisan Urtya showed itself fat


The gymnast and TV presenter Laysan Urty Sharewood at his Instagram page a humorous recording from vacation, which he holds with his husband Pavel Will in Dubai. In the first picture, the celebrity poses on a deck chair, on it - a handkerchief, which collected hair, sunglasses in the form of hearts and elegant earrings. On the second frame, you can see another person imposed on Utyashev: thanks to retouching, the athlete recovered at once a few tens of kilograms.

"The freckle 2021 returns to Moscow and dries the sun! P.S. I scored a bit, "the celebrity writes under the record.

Photos launched fans. In the comments, they laugh that Utyasheva is lucky to Moscow not only the sun, but also food reserves. Some in a joke noted that extra kilograms are not so much, and therefore celebrities are not worth worry so much.

"Well, very little scored. The main thing, please carry the sun, "asking fans.

Other fans remembered under the publication of her husband Utashava - Paul Voloy. According to them, the famous TV presenter was very lucky with such a wife, which is distinguished by beauty, and a wonderful sense of humor. They also noted how organically spouses look together.

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