"You see, she has little money": the bride Danko was indignant because of the alimony of ex-wife


Alexander Fadeev, more famous under the pseudonym Danko, is the father of two daughters: 17-year-old Sony and 6-year-old Agatha, which suffers from a severe form of cerebral palsy.

Three years ago, the artist left the family because I suspected my wife Natalia Ustyenko in infidelity. He moved to Yalta with a new girlfriend, designer and DJ Maria Siluyanova, starting to pay the alimony regularly.

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Monthly Natalia received 35 thousand from Alexander, but over the past two weeks from his account has been removed significantly more funds. According to the current elect Danko, 90 thousand rubles were first written off from his card, then 180 thousand, and without warning and notifications from the bank.

"Just. He called the bank, where he was told that these funds went to alimony. Allegedly Natalia brought some executive list, and here such a lawlessness is going on. You see, she has little money, and with Sasha again remove and remove. And maybe this money was needed by us urgently? Suddenly something happened to us? Lawlessness! " - Mary notes in a conversation with the publication "Starkhit".

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Danko himself assures that with understanding would be related to the situation if the former wife told him that she had lack money. However, at the same time, he reminds that Natalia receives not only alimony, but also collects money and people. She arranged a fundraiser, since the state of Agatha requires constant rehabilitation and expensive medical procedures.

Recall, Danko after the divorce for some time it was financially helped by the eldest daughter Son, arguing that he could not be the father of Agata. But, after the DNA expertise, the court ordered it to pay alimony for the content of both girls.

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