"Secret Killer Cats": sister Britney Spears criticized Tesla cars


Britney Spears's younger sister recorded a short video, in which he turned to the richest man of the planet, a venture capital investor, inventor and businessman Ilona Mask. Jamie Lynn Spears asks the owner of Spacex and Tesla companies to make its electrocars not so silent, which are all popular models of car Tesla.

Ilon Mask himself has repeatedly noted that the low noise of its automotive developments is due to the lack of an internal combustion engine and generators with drive belts, as well as the efforts of TESLA engineers and technicians with the serial production of electrocarbers.

However, Jamie Lynn pointed to the danger of a quiet movement of such cars - even her own Tesla received the characteristic of the "secret killer of cats". The girl explained that herself holds a few fluffy lovers, these are very smart and cautious creatures, but they are accustomed to the danger from cars with a working engine and neglect the barely audible yarring of Tesla. Negregate so much that they can get under the wheels.

Britney Spears's sister does not have accident statistics from Tesla cars on cats, dogs and other pets. She admits that the driver is obliged to follow the road situation and prevent any collisions and emergency episodes. Nevertheless, Jamie Lynn Spears called on subscribers to unite and demand from automakers to make effective measures so that the deaths and animal injury under the wheels stopped.

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