From "Nirvana" to "Ramstein": Dmitry Shepelev surprised the musical taste of the 7-year-old son


The famous TV presenter Dmitry Shepelev infrequently tells the public about the events in his personal life. Even less often, he shares his son's life, whose upbringing is independently after the mother of the boy Zhanna Friske died.

Recently, the 37-year-old Shepelev shared in his blog musical preferences of his seven-year-old son Plato. As it turned out, the boy prefers to listen to heavy music. In particular, "Nirvana" and "Ramstein" were among the favorite performers. This choice of his child Shepelev was completely satisfied. However, the new addiction was embarrassed by Shepelev. In a short video, the showman said that one day Plato returned from school and, sitting on the sofa, drank a children's song about Gummy Bear. "I was silent. Like a man - let him listen. Meanwhile, I will go buy a subscription to the conservatory for him, "Shepelev joked.

Fans of the lead show "In fact" shared the musical preferences of their children, and also commented on the video of Shepelev. "Let it be better to listen to rock than modern rap", "the main thing is that not a morgenshtern, and so everything is fine," "good music", "So, with my son really everything is in order! Even very good! " - Supported the growing fan's father.

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