"The risk justified itself": the star of "Defenders" Alina Lanina told about childbirth into the water


Alina Lanina was remembered by the role of the wife of the oligarch Sylvester in the series "Sashatany" and secured on the screen success in "Defenders". A few days ago, a significant event occurred in the life of the actress - she became a mom. On his page in Instagram, the star told the details of his childbirth and posted a photo in the last month of pregnancy.

The actress chose the hospital at an hour from home, knowing about the predisposition to the rapid resolution of the burden. However, the risk justified itself: already 40 minutes after arrival in the maternity hospital, the lion was on the hands of a happy star mother - without interference and any injury, be it physical or moral.

Lanina called the conditions of rapid and relatively light labor, making a list of the main people of her motherhood. The list opens the husband, the second place was taken by midwife, the third is osteopath. Next, a doctor and a taxi driver, which carried out the delivery of the "risk" patient to the headcase obstetric database, where childbirth is available.

The actress noted that there are maternity hospitals, located significantly closer to her house, some of them are considered very prestigious - but Alina appreciated all the available options in advance and consciously chose the base for soft labor. During the process of Lanina (on her recognition), it was nervous, but everything ended well. Even when the taxi driver at first flew past the center of obstetrics and spent Alina an unplanned excursion on Schelkovo.

In the coming 2021, the premiere of the historical and detective series "Formula of Crime" is expected on Russian TV. In this project of 32 episodes, Alina Lanina is the main female role.

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