"On such" driving "all life": Ksenia Borodin called on not to raise the daughters "good"


TV presenter Ksenia Borodina made an unusual application for the upbringing of girls. She is sure that any parents are better not to raise good daughters, if you want happiness with your favorite children.

Borodin philosophically looked at the problem of raising children in general, and daughters in particular. Her daughters will grow up, and, apparently, the Teediva worries about whether they chose the right upbringing line for heiress. As a result, she wrote a post about what could be the biggest mistake of many dads and mothers.

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According to Teediva, it is possible to be decent and responsible without reckoning the "good girl." This quality only prevents girls and women throughout life, Ksenia is sure.

"The prettier is a habit of focusing on other people's assessments ... This is a heavy cargo, from which many people cannot get rid of all their lives," the Borodin warned young parents in his blog.

The former leading of the scandalous telestroy said that the girls do not need to inspire the fear of offending someone and teach the ability to see their best sides in people. Such qualities, according to her, make girls unprepared to modern realities and can even lead to deplorable consequences.

"Often such girls come across swells and fraudsters, and even on such" they "drive" all their lives, who are not too lazy, because she is good, will not refuse, even to the detriment of themselves, "Ksenia wrote.

Many fans agreed with its point of view, and some in the comments confirmed its own life experience.

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