"Distracting maneuver": Vera Brezhnev shared his piquant way to hide wrinkles


Vera Brezhneva published a seductive frame in Instagram, on which posing in the fitting body with a deep neckline. True, the singer decided to focus on the other, no less expressive dignity.

Brezhnev revealed the secret, how to get rid of wrinkles in the photo. "Make it lying", "the artist came up with Lifehak and immediately took advantage of it, showing impeccable skin. But the celebrity subscribers instantly "smiled" by her, noticing that an open hollow nose was thrown into the eyes in the picture, and not the perfect singer's face.

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"This is already distracting maneuver," the star laughed.

In addition, faith Brezhnev assured that she has no wrinkles in any case, and even asked if she made Botox injections. However, the ex-soloist of the VIA Gra group chose not to respond to a provocative question. Previously, the singer was recognized that only once submitted his appearance to the correction, when his vision corrected in his youth and forever refused glasses.

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At the same time, Konstantin Meladze's wife does not exclude that sooner or later go to the plastic surgeon. Last year, she barely did bluff plastics, but the doctor dissuaded it from the operation, advising to wait.

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