"Email as grandmother retirement": Olga Orlov was reproached for the criticism of the "poor-unfortunate"


Olga Orlova became popular after participating in the Brilliant group. True, the singer has long been building a solo career, and the army of its subscribers in the social network exceeded 3 million. Olga shares with them with photos and videos from his life, sometimes laying out posts with reasoning on any topics.

The other day on the Eaglova page in Instagram appeared a new post. The actress sits on a luxurious sofa, climbing the pillow. Behind the singer has many orchids. Olga put on a short dress in blue-blue tones, supplementing the image with transparent boat shoes with a bow.

"Today I thought about the fact that there are people who see around only negative. They always have everything bad, there is no money, everything around is to blame, and they are poor and unfortunate victims of any permanent circumstances! It even seems to me that they are written on the face, and the corners of the lips are always lowered down, "writes Olga under the post.

The artist adds that, in her opinion, "such people" do not smile, are not sophisticated, they just repel away from themselves. Moreover, Orlova is confident that these people are unhappy, adding that she is just a pity "poor-unfortunate".

Social network users criticized Olga's words, noting that she simply does not know how hard it can live some people. "And you live like a grandmother on a pension," one of the subscribers was indignant.

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