"I quit smoking, it was better to sleep": Rupert Grint told how daughter changed his life


Rupert Grint, the actor, most famous for a series of films about Harry Potter, told how his life changed after his daughter's birth. With revelations, the artist shared in an interview with the magazine Glamour.

According to Greent, the birth of the daughter, which the couple called Wenside, made his life better and more interesting.

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"It's so fun. I feel what exactly changed as a person. Changing lifestyle happened overnight: I quit smoking at once. I began to sleep much better: before I suffered a terrible insomnian, but now I sleep, "the actor told.

He also shared how the pandemic influenced, the height of which came just at the appearance of the baby. It turned out, it was also a positive experience.

"For me it was a very soothing process. But in Routine there is something really pleasant. I think it helped me, "the actor reveals.

However, he also noticed that the first months after the birth of a child, many families need support for loved ones and relatives. The pandemic deprived the star couple of such an opportunity, which added difficulties in the first time.

The fact that Rupert Grint and his beloved Georgia Gruce are waiting for the child, for the first time, it became known in April last year, and already in May Goran gave birth to the daughter of Wenside. Grint practically shows a young heiress. He published the first shot on November 10, 2020, presenting the daughter to network users.

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